Report with survivors of Trafficking and sexual violence

This was a six months pilot study which endeavoured to assess whether Dance and Movement (DMT) has any therapeutic impact on the traumatic symptoms of the survivors of trafficking/sexual violence.

Following Purposive Sampling method a representative sample of 50 survivors of trafficking/sexual violence was selected from two different sites of India- 30 clients were selected from the Mumbai site and 20 clients were selected from the Kolkata site. Then, following the wait- list control group design, DMT was administered only to the treatment group while the control group was on wait for six months. Total N randomized at the Mumbai site: 15to DMT group, and 15 to control group and total N randomized at the Kolkata site: 10 to the DMT group, and 10 to the control group. The intervention of DMT has started in the first week of August 2015, after collecting Baseline data on the six domains of traumatic symptoms of TSCC scale. After 3 months and after 6 months of DMT intervention, data were collected and treated by t- statistics.

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